#43: Emily Schromm | Powerlifting, Super Nutrition, and the Routines of a Serial Entrepreneur

Emily Schromm is a personal trainer, nutritional therapy practitioner, and serial entrepreneur; helping others empower themselves by way of food and movement. Her passion, patience, and positivity have blossomed five successful wellness companies.

Today’s episode is with Emily Schromm. Emily is a personal trainer, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and serial entrepreneur helping others empower themselves by way of food and movement.
Running online programs at emilyschromm.com, her other ventures include her backpack-turned-weight-training invention, the EmPack, her podcast (Meathead Hippie), an herbal tea line, ELEMENT TEA, and her newest venture: A 24/7 access STRENGTH GYM right in RiNO, Denver… Platform Strength.
Emily’s story is out of this world. A testament as to where a positive and determined attitude can direct your life. Her career spring-boarded following an appearance on an MTV Challenge. She harnessed that momentum to build a personal brand, multiple successful companies, and a platform where she leads a community focused on mental and physical wellness. She is one of the busiest humans I’ve met, and I was so glad to share some time to hear her story. In this episode, we discuss daily routines, the power of team building and trust, having the courage to leap for your success, and the future of wellness in our global community.
A Quick Note
A quick note before we start the show. This episode almost didn’t make it! Any musician or podcaster can tell you about the nightmare of data loss. Without going into details, I had to go above and beyond to recover this episodes audio. Unfortunately the last 30 seconds of the interview were lost. I apologize for the abrupt ending.
Instagram : @emilyschromm
A catch all for all the things Emily is doing.
The EmPack: The FIRST & ONLY backpack designed to serve as a weight training pack with patent-pending straps and by using water as weight.
Element Teas: These teas came out of a passion for what mother nature is capable of, and how powerful our own bodies can be when supported.
The Body Awareness Project: An educational course with a box of essentials to begin your own journey of healing. Part 1: Skin and Acne. Part 2: Adrenal Repair
Platform Strength: Strength & Conditioning Hybrid Gym. All day, every day. Online and in RINO, Denver.
Meathead Hippie Podcast: Deadlifts and squats meets the cycle of the moon. Open iTunes to download and subscribe to Em’s award winning podcast
Emily Schromm is a personal trainer, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and serial entrepreneur helping others empower themselves by way of food and movement. Running online programs at emilyschromm.com, her other ventures include her backpack-turned-weight-training invention, the EmPack, her podcast, Meathead Hippie, an herbal tea line, ELEMENT TEA, and her newest venture: A 24/7 access STRENGTH GYM right in RiNO, Denver… Platform Strength.
Show Notes
:08 intro
0:40 Seth talks about The MindMill booklet
2:01 Seth opens the podcast, the second in a series on habit hackers (https://www.habithackers.co/)
3:12 Seth intros Emily Schromm
4:20 Data loss addressed
4:38 Seth talks about scheduling difficulties
5:04 Emily talks about how busy she is and doesn’t have much time to sit a talk with people even thought she wants to
5:37 Emily talks about how often we do what makes feel like ourselves
6:40 Seth talks about balance of work and what fuels us
7:02 Emily talks about running a business complicates your vision
8:22 Seth asks about whats she is excited about
8:45 Emily talks about how she loves solving problems
9:03 Emily tells us about what she was going to do before becoming a businesswoman
10:04 Emily gives an example of how she helps better themselves
10:56 Seth recaps how Emily is different then other business people
11:34 Emily on authenticity for the consumer
13:26 Seth asks balancing pacince
13:40 Emily’s end of day reflection
15:09 Seth asks about how Emily perps for the day
15:58 Emily’s relationship with emails
17:30 The mountains is mental sanity
17:40 Seth’s start to a day
18:16 Tarot cards
19:30 Changing your mindset to view the situation differently
20:14 Ego getting in the way of purpose
21:41 Seth on spirituality
22:53 Emily on mindfulness
23:40 Seth talks about balance
23:54 Emily on balance and burnout
25:24 Seth talks about crashing at the end of week
26:04 Emily phases of an entrepreneur
27:31 Seth brings up journaling
27:41 Emily talks about Gretchen Rubin
28:37 Emily on journaling that works for her
30:34 Seth and Emily talk personalities
31:10 Emily on feeling crazy and finding tools to help people
32:52 Seth on core meaning
33:33 Endless compassion to love
34:31 Final questions
34:50 Emily on balancing five companies
36:50 Outro