The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield

#46: The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield

Seth returns to the Mindmill Podcast with special guest Yoshua Greenfield.  In the rocky mountains outside of Boulder Colorado, Seth and Yoshua discuss Seth’s battle with Cancer, reconnecting with nature through a barefoot lifestyle, and living your best life during a global pandemic. 

The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yashua Greenfield
The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield

Back on the MindMill

I am so incredibly excited to be back on the Mindmill Podcast. It feels so good to be healthy again, reunited with my friends and family, and to be back on the mic to share my first podcast episode in over a year!

For those of you who weren’t aware, in August 2019 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

It’s amazing how quickly life gets turned upside down. On Saturday I hosted a pool party. Sunday I went out to dinner to celebrate a birthday. Monday I went to the hospital with stomach pains. And by the end of that week, I had been diagnosed and my mom had flown out to take care of me in the hospital. Thus started a journey of tests, scans, scopes, meds, infusions, fear, pain, depression, loneliness, slow recovery, and eventually a connection to loved ones and an appreciation of life I never knew possible. I will never be able to verbalize it all. Just know that my heart is full of gratitude for all of you who donated, prayed, sent gifts, visited, called, wrote songs, and supported me and my family through this chapter.

The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield
The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield

There is much I could say about my journey with cancer: so many incredible gestures by loved ones, so many medical professionals to whom I owe my life, so many moments of despair as well as beauty and joy.

I will never be able to verbalize it all. Just know that my heart is full of gratitude for all of you who donated, prayed, sent gifts, visited, called, wrote songs, and supported me and my family through this chapter.

Rebuilding Normal in Connection with Nature

Since my return home from the Mayo Clinic in March, I have been continuing medical treatments, rebuilding my body, and readjusting to “normal” life, whatever the hell that is.

The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yashua Greenfield
The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield

I’ve also been spending a lot of time in nature and in music, which brings me to introduce this podcast. My good friend and former mindmill guest Joshua Greenfield (Yoshua) has been a pillar of support for me through my sickness. He has also been through a massively transitional year himself. We got together outside of Boulder Colorado for a barefoot hike and a nature inspired conversation. I wanted my return to the Mindmill to be an open dialogue with a close friend. And so in this episode, we discuss each other’s journeys, how we are both adapting to a COVID lifestyle, finding yourself through nature, and the future of the Mindmill and Yashua’s movement “You Enjoy Life”. I encourage you to go back and listen to Yoshua’s previous mindmill episode. But for now I hope you enjoy the return of the mindmill podcast.

The MindMill Podcast on YouTube


:08 Intro

2:22 Interview Begins

3:14 Recap the year

5:00 Set and Setting – Sacred cliffs of Green Mountain

7:20 What is cancer?

8:45 Importance of choosing How we relate to experience

11:30 Finding opportunities of awareness and appreciation in the midst of challenges

14:00 Fear and vulnerability in relationship dynamics

16:00 Importance of honesty with Self and how this affects our relations to others and the world around us

19:30 Adjusting lifestyle after the initial covid shock

21:15 Covid world as a reaffirmation of lessons within Joshua’s life

24:45 Stripping away fear to gain freedom

25:45 How mental constructs can limit agency in the world

29:00 Barefoot lifestyle – the detriments of comforts vs. the rewards of pain and struggle

32:00 Importance of choosing How we relate to experience

34:30 By embracing an acceptance of surroundings and shedding limiting constructs, we gain recognition of opportunities and empowerment

36:15 Your poison is your medicine – finding Self and lessons within challenges and injuries

38:45 Look out for outlook – how your perceptions affect surroundings – Is that woo woo?

41:15 Music’s connection to experience

44:30 Relationship with Self and how that impacts engagement with others

49:45 Your gift is meant to be shared – for the world around you and for yourself

52:30 Authenticity is alignment

52:45 Success to facilitate opportunities and authenticity

56:00 Money is not the end goal. Success is in happiness and abundant time

57:00 Joshua’s conclusion – you enjoy life

58:15 Seth’s gratitude for reconnecting with The MindMill



Yoshua Greenfield is a vibrational healer, professional musician, and teacher of mindful cooking. He is on a mission to teach the world how to tap into their own ability to heal themselves through music.

Check out Yoshua’s YouTube channel, You Enjoy Life

Other Links:


All my friends, family, and community, and all of you who donated, prayed, sent gifts, visited, called, wrote songs, and supported me and my family through this chapter.

Thanks so much for listening to The MindMill Podcast!

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