Health Coach & Fitness Trainer Tara Laferrara on a fit lifestyle, owning your digital presence, and taking your business all over the world.
Todays episode is with fitness professional, coach, and all-around life crusher Tara Laferrara. Tara is a leader in the Denver fitness community and hosts numerous retreats all over the world; all powered by her can-do body positive message. Not only a force in person, Tara’s digital presence broadcasts her to hundreds of thousands of people. Her website and social media account are chalk full of fun workouts, proper form tips, healthy meal plans, and positive message. Shit, half the time just watching her videos makes my glutes hurt, this girl is serious about her squats. (Tagline : Health Coach & Fitness Trainer Tara Laferrara on a fit lifestyle, owning your digital presence, and taking your business all over the world.)
Tara and I dive right into some great fitness and health topics in this interview. We discuss intermittent fasting versus 6 small meals, going meatless, mobility excercises, and morning routines. We also jump into how Tara’s athletic upbringing eventually led her to fitness, and most recently yoga. Tara, like myself, is an avid traveler, and we talk about the possibilities of taking your work all over the world.
Tara Laferrara
Tara’s Bio
Hi there. Yep, my name rhymes. It’s my only claim to fame.
I believe in strong connections with people through fitness and fun, one squat at a time.
As a former sprinter and kid-sister of three brothers, movement has always been in my blood. Becoming a NASM certified personal trainer was the best step after college track was in the past. I will never look back. I work as a personal/group fitness trainer and yoga teacher to inspire and be inspired on a daily basis. There is nothing more powerful than someone saying they can’t do something, and then doing it.
While the gym is my second home, my passion is sharing fitness education, food, real-life struggles, athletic wear, and plenty of laughs on my social platforms. We’re all in this together as a community, or a tribe.
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