Julie Boyd Meditation podcast

#16: Julie Boyd | Rediscover yourself through Transcendental Meditation

Julie Boyd Meditation podcast
Julie Boyd on The MindMill Podcast

Rediscover yourself through Transcendental Meditation | Julie Boyd

Julie Boyd is an Author, Artist, Teacher, and Transcendental Mediation practitioner.  Her experiences with TM have sparked an “awakening” in her life that have expanded her in every direction conceivable.  She does not even recognize the person she was before transcendental mediation.  Julie’s experiences as a mother and former school teacher provide her a unique and beautiful aspect on how to share TM to the world. Julie is a beacon of positivity, creativity, and mindfulness.  Her upcoming book shares her journeys of rediscovery in a life of meditation.

The following is an excerpt of an email Julie sent me when preparing for this interview.  I find it gives a glimpse into the personality of Julie Boyd, the caring and thoughtful mentor I have become so connected to since meeting her only 6 months ago.

Rediscover yourself through Transcendental Meditation | Julie B

Kenny and I just returned in August after spending a dedicated year and a half to our meditation practice… meditating average of 5-7 hours a day.What has come from that experience is an ‘awakening’ in January that has left me with an expanded view of the creation.  Everything about my life has been affected in profound ways. I am currently writing my first of many books I ‘saw’ while in my meditations. My husband and I have chosen a very different path than most people our age and our daily lives reflect our interest in our personal evolutions instead of the usual retirement mode of living. We are focused on expanding our intellects, hearts, and physiologies to their most heightened existence. We have a unique relationship and view the world through very different lens than most. We are serious, yet  blissfully emersed in our individual growth as well as being a couple. Kenny has been practicing TM for over 40 years and he introduced it to me the day I met him over 16 years ago, 3 months after Jillian’s dad passed away of cancer.  He could see all over me that I was beaten down from life as a new widow and single working mother. I was hammered and was seriously worried about falling asleep at the wheel driving home from school. Relieving stress and getting deep rest was the reason I started meditating…no interest in my evolution at that moment in time. I didn’t even know what that word really meant back then and didn’t care!! I was totally in survival mode… It wasn’t by chance that I met Kenny and he got me interested in TM…as it probably saved my life and my health.  I never expected a simple practice would have such an effect on my entire life and happiness. And of course, as so many people do when they experience a life-altering event, they feel compelled to share it with everyone. My goal now in this phase in my life is to raise awareness about not only this meditation technique but to convince others that such a simple commitment to themselves will not only improve their own health and happiness but also help raise their consciousness as well as the worlds. And by the look of our countries political and ethical situation…now is a good time to spread this perspective.



Contact Julie Boyd – Facebook

Julie’s Cold Remedy


Grapefruit Seed Extract
Elderberry Syrup – Look for the strongest you can find
Bonus: Neti Pot and Gargle Salt Water (72 Hours)


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