#31: Keri Bergeron | Breath, Movement, and a Mission

Keri Bergeron is a Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and Lululemon Ambassador. Keri works with physical education programs bringing mindfulness practice to the classroom.
Today we are with Keri Bergeron; Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and Lululemon Ambassador. Keri is one of the most educated and integrated health professionals I have ever met. Her combined knowledge of eastern and western practices gives her unique expertise when working with her students and clients. Keri and I share the philosophy of teaching and instilling autonomy. Self-care starts from within; by learning and practicing healthy routines, we build a lifestyle of health and happiness. Keri is an incredible wealth of knowledge, and she has recently created a program to teach mindfulness, stretching, and breathe work to youths. Her program is carefully tailored to introduce mindfulness practices in a manor that is approachable and replicable for a young person. Working directly with schools, Keri’s program is positively affecting the student body, building the community, and building lifelong tools for its participants.
In this episode, Keri and I dive deep into yoga, breathe work, entrepreneurship, and working with kids. We discuss mental resistance, and how it pertains to both the beginner and advanced yogi; and how we experience it throughout life as well. We also chat about screen use in schools, how the problem is systemic, and how we can begin to reclaim the attention spans of the younger generation. As a bonus, Keri shares her “stress breathe” practice that she uses to introduce beginners and skeptics to the power of meditation. Keri Bergeron is a joy to experience and i’m so grateful for her time and story on this episode of the MindMill podcast.
Instagram @keribergeron
Keri’s Bio
With a Masters in Physical Therapy, a 200 Hour Yoga Certification from Ana Forrest and over 10 years of experience, Keri’s depth of knowledge and experience strives to serve others on their journey to health.
Keri brings awareness to patterns both mentally and physically to enable healing and transformation within her clients and students. Understanding the physical aspect of the West and the spiritual aspect of the East allows Keri to provide the very best care for those she serves. Her practice provides the pathway to self-discovery along with the tools to autonomously care for yourself.

Keri established her therapy practice 8 years ago on the principle that education leads to transformation. She approaches each of her clients as an individual: a whole physical and energetic being. Keri believes strongly that educating her clients on how and why they have pain makes all the difference, that understanding “the why” compels people to do things differently. Her primary goal is to foster autonomy. Keri provides you with the understanding and the tools to be able to take very good care of yourself.
Along with the self-care tools of personalized programs, postural awareness, stabilization, and stretching, Keri provides exceptional hands-on therapy. Her offering includes joint mobilization, myofascial release, and trigger point release. Traditional physical therapy creates balance within the physical structure of the body and Keri’s use of manual therapy and breathwork cultivates a deeper awareness and amplifies the healing experience.
Growing up as a competitive gymnast and dancer, many times, physical therapists helped Keri get back to doing what she loved. Keri’s physical therapy practice hopes to offer that same opportunity to others.
Keri has a Masters degree in Physical Therapy from Northeastern University.
Keri is fascinated with how the external form affects the internal landscape. While Keri teaches a physically challenging practice, her teachings are not focused on the destination, but rather how we engage with the challenges. Practice with Keri fosters the skills to navigate the challenges that life throws our way with compassion and kindness.
Over the last 10 years, Keri’s physical therapy practice and yoga training have informed her teaching style as an alignment based vinyasa. You can expect to feel safe with clear concise cueing and progressive accessible sequencing. She has completed 200 hour Forrest Yoga Foundation Teacher Training, immersions with Christina Sell, Darren Rhodes, Andrei Ram, and more.
It is with a light heart and true offering that Keri hopes to enable students to experience the strength, confidence, and awareness that yoga has given her.
Thanks so much for listening to The MindMill Podcast!